
Electrical Engineering : 60 seats

The department of Electrical Engineering offers courses related to generation of electricity, its storage, transmission, various applications of advanced electronics and electromagnetism. Qualified electrical engineers are needed by manufacturing and production industries to take care for tasks like power transmission, power utilization, power auditing, machine monitoring, machine maintenance etc. They may also find work at firms manufacturing other forms of machinery and components like- transformers, wires, motors, generators, circuits, microprocessors, microcontrollers etc.

What Is Electrical Engineering?

Electrical engineering is the field of engineering, concerned with the study, designing, and use of appliances and equipment which use any form of electricity. Therefore, it also includes electromagnetism. Electrical engineering was first acknowledged as a profession when commercialization started to gain ground in the 19th century when electricity became widely generated and distributed. However, this branch of engineering spreads over a wide range of subtypes that include telecommunication, computer engineering, electronics, photonics, etc. Although, instrumentation and signal processing, all are considered part of electrical engineering.

Previously, electrical engineering was limited to industrial use only. However, after the invention of the transistor, the manufacturing cost led the electrical revolution to become part of electric home appliances. Therefore, minimizing the cost of electrical appliances. Even so, they could easily become part of almost every household.

what we do

special education

full day session

qualified teachers


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24/7 supports