
Vision & Mission


On the way to become truly a educational department and with this span it has established strong linkages with the industries. The essential catalyst in the process of transformation of students is our highly experienced and committed faculty, who possess vast exposure in academics as well as industry. College's faculty members are involved in teaching, consultancy and research activities.


To educate and train students in engineering and technology, further committed to nurturing excellence through imparting knowledge and enabling them to technology, while imbibing social sensitivity and environmental consciousness for the betterment of self in society.

Quality Policy

We make our best possible efforts to cater quality education and experience to our students, while studying herewith us. we strive to deliver comprehensive continually enhanced global quality technical education through an established quality management system complemented by synergistic interaction of the stake holders concerned.

what we do

special education

full day session

qualified teachers


pre classes

24/7 supports